Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Weekly Reflection #9: November 9, 2016

            The career field that I’m interested in is business, and this field is unique from some other careers in that it is a global career, and many of the careers across the globe relating to business are all interconnected.  Due to outsourcing and other reasons, many American companies now have roots in foreign countries, which requires these American companies to ensure that it’s employees are culturally and globally diverse.  The field of business is a global field, that requires all of those in the field to be accepting and well-educated of other cultures.  Cultural competency will help me in my career due to the fact that I’m hoping to have a career that will allow me to travel.  My father is working in a business career currently, and he frequently has to travel to cities across the nation to meet with potential customers and discuss deals with them.  While his travels are merely across the nation and not global for the most part, he still has to be culturally educated because they have factories in countries such as the Dominican Republic that he has to visit occasionally, and while there he has to interact with the employees from another part of the world.  This is typical of someone in a business career, because as I mentioned earlier, many businesses that are rooted in America have spread their roots to other countries.  Diversity is also important to me because I, like many, believe in equality and equal opportunity for all, and think that every person should have the opportunity to work at any job, and place in the world.  This is a topical issue, as we just had a presidential election where race was a very influential topic from the debates and campaigns.  As one could probably assume from the fact that I am taking this class, I am not set on pursuing a career in business.  I am also considering a career in biology, specifically pre-med.  There are many different forms and types of medicine across the globe, and being culturally accepting is necessary for being able to share knowledge and different types of medicines from different cultures.  Methods of medicine are very unique in different parts of the world, and someone who is in a medical career field, whether it be medical research, or a nurse or surgeon, they must take in as much information as they can from different parts of the world in order to perfect their art.  This is why cultural diversity and acceptance is important to those in the medical field; to share information and techniques from all across the globe.  However, the lesson from this is that cultural diversity and acceptance is important in every career field across the globe.  With an ever growing world of modernization and global diversity, there are more job opportunities each and every day that require employees to be accepting of other cultures, and the sooner that everyone realizes this, the sooner that we will see the world become a better place. 

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